Running an actual event in 2020 - Case study
Slightly randomly (and yet brilliantly), every year we run the event production for a Buddhist Open Day in Surrey. It’s genuinely wonderful, with over 1000 people attending for live music, beautifully lit gardens and a chance to light a lantern on the lake and explore the faith
Naturally, 2020 looked a little different. Instead of cancelling, we suggested spreading the festival over 8 days to allow 150 socially-distanced guests to safely attend the 9-acre garden, and then live-streamed a ‘TV show’ every evening at 7pm, to thousands of viewers world-wide.
It was a totally new concept for them, but one they gladly embraced. Our job, was to portray both the activity of the 5 hour daily event, as well as explaining what Buddhism is all about. We filmed ‘highlight videos’ each day, trained up 4 hosts, had live music/interviews on stage, Zoomed the local vicar and Cubs group, and created a bunch of documentary style videos to explain deeper. Using a ‘jib’ for our opening camera shots, the whole thing (intentionally) felt a bit ‘One Show’!
We used 2 operated cameras, 3 robotic cameras (around the grounds), installed a stretch tent, stage and TV lighting, audio and video monitoring. Less interestingly, we also supplied security, toilets, waste disposal and car park lighting!
They have become one of my most trusting and fascinating clients of all time and have loved working with them. I was so delighted when they put their faith in our adapted ideas and went with this new approach; the power of relationship. 2020 may not be how we all planned it, but we realised there is a way to change, and do things in a different (and sometimes better) way.
Check out our mini case study video to show you more:
Matt Turner
Managing Director
Clownfish Events Ltd