IBTM releases new gender equality report

IBTM has just released a new gender equality report focused on event managers in MICE which, according to IBTM, demonstrates that the industry is still "dominated by women but run by men."
The organisation states that the report was carried out with the aim of starting conversations on the topic and helping to make a change.
According to the study, men within the industry are more likely to occupy directorial positions than women. Taking a sample of 2,000 global LinkedIn profiles, only 16% of the women included were at this seniority level compared to 32% of men.
The event management industry is not one that would appear to succumb to gender inequality at first glance, especially with women making up more than 75% of the workforce according to the research.
These findings are in line with noticeable trends across the global workforce, which receives frequent criticism regarding gender equality within the workplace.
As part of the report, Gabrielle Austen-Browne, founder of Diversity Alliance and co-founder of the Diverse Speaker Bureau, has shared five tips on creating a more diverse and gender-balanced workplace.
Kim Myhre, a design thinker and thought leader, has also provided expertise on how diversity, equality and inclusion offer the chance to create a more innovative industry.