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2024 Exhibitors

international confex 2023

Expo 360

Stand: ETL4

Our technology enhances the reach of exhibitions at globally acclaimed venues like Birmingham's NEC and London's EXCEL, connecting you with an international audience. We establish a lasting legacy for your exhibitors, ensuring their stands continue to captivate attention well after the event concludes. This not only enables brands to persist in their marketing efforts but also allows them to engage with those worldwide who couldn't attend in person.

Use EXPO360's powerful digital solution to find new audiences.

EXPO360 transforms your real world exhibitions into lucrative, editable online assets. We not only bring your exhibition to life virtually, but also create additional revenue streams for you and your exhibitors in the process.

Our innovative technology and large venue, virtual capture  expertise enable us to extend the life of every exhibition. Powerful, customisable tools offer new ways to engage with exhibitors and visitors, ensuring your exhibition continues to generate interest long after it physically concludes.

Partner with EXPO360 and unlock the full potential of your exhibition online:

Transform exhibitions into powerful digital assets.

Create revenue beyond event dates.

Enhanced offerings using rich media content

Boost event and exhibitor ROI.


9 Shibden Grange Drive,
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
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  • A new platform, EXPO360, is aiming to transform the world of in-person exhibitions by offering digital twins of showfloors. EXPO360, headed up by former BBC, SKY and ITV programme maker Alan Tisch, pr ...
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